Top Stories published by Quartz in 2012

You can light up the Quartz newsroom

Here at Quartz, our newsroom will be driven by a set of core obsessions. (Kevin talked about…

Quartz style: no pulling punches

Gideon, our global news editor, has been working on a draft of the Quartz style guide: an early attempt to define our voice and sensibility. We’ll probably publish the guide at some point, but for now, it should suffice to say that George Orwell is frequently cited. The…

Why Quartz is ditching beats in favor of obsessions

Link: Why Quartz is ditching beats in favor of obsessions

On his blog, Gideon explains how we are organizing our newsroom:

So instead of fixed beats, we structure our newsroom around an

Welcome, Gideon

Earlier today we announced that Gideon Lichfield is joining Quartz as our global news editor, and we couldn’t be more excited.

As we began sharing our vision for Quartz this winter, several people volunteered that Gideon would be the perfect person to work on this project…

These were the top 10 stories published by Quartz in 2012. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2012 by using the calendar at the top of this page.